Collection of scientific works «Occupational health and safety issues in Ukraine», №34



labor protection, occupational health, occupational safety, ecology


Public agency "National scientific and research institute of industrial safety and occupational safety and health"

Year of foundation:


Certificate of state registration:

КВ № 16352-4124Р від 21.01.2010 р.

It comes out twice a year


The collection is sent to the leading scientific libraries of Ukraine, electronic

the version of the collection is stored in the National Library of Ukraine name VI Vernadsky,

is indexed in the national database «Ukrainka scientific» (abstract Journal «Dzherelo»), in the international scientific and mathematical base «Google Scholar» data.


Languages of edition: Ukrainian, English, Russian.

The purpose of the collection is the publication of modern scientific research, the main results of research activities in the field of occupational safety and health, industrial safety, and ecology.